Lancaster Crew Memorial Unveiling Ceremony-2013
by David Smith

The link below was sent to me by Chris Stanfield of Colchester,  England.  It is the video of the memorial service I attended in April of  this year.  Hope you will take a few minutes to view this almost one hour video courtesy of the Colchester Camera Club. Roy (Lofty) Tolhurst  introduces the story of the crash of the Lancaster followed by David Seaborn and  Michael Heath recollecting their boyhood memories of the Lancaster in flames  just before it crashed.  The memorial is located just a short distance from  the crash site.

It was an honour to represent the 427 Wing and participate in the  ceremonies.  Following the credits at the end note the names of the seven  men on the monument and the beautiful fly past of the British Lancaster  bomber.

The research for this story was done by military history enthusiasts in  England and Canada and family members attending the ceremony came from the UK,  Canada and Australia.  The U.S.A. was represented as well as the Lancaster  was trying to land at Boxted Air Base run by the U.S.A. during WW II.