427 (London) Wing Regalia world continues to be busy. Sales are made at Friday lunches as well as individual sales and at many aviation events.
After the Air Show season was over, the Wing set up at several Model Aircraft Shows which proved very successful, especially one held at Western Fair. More have been booked. At the same time, plans are being made for this year’s Air Show season. Several days are already confirmed for set up, and there is the possibility of many more days.
These events substantially add to the Wings finances and are also an opportunity to promote 427 Wing to the public. The 427 Wing continues to carry RCAF, AFAC and Silver Dart items, and has developed a new inventory of aviation-related items which have been selling well. These include a wide choice of t-shirts, coffee mugs, stainless steel travel mugs with aircraft motifs, puzzles, book marks-both gold- plated and regular, RCAF wallets, Silver Dart model kit, and a big seller is a deck of cards with a different aircraft on each card and more.
Any questions you might have, please see Rene McKinnon at the Wing on Friday lunches, at other Wing events and at some special events and by phone at 519 471 8003.